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Regrettably, materials and services are not currently available.
The "GENIUS CHILDREN" Project is a social startup that began its preparations on 7th May 2023.
Thank you very much for your interest and for taking the time to visit this page.
Regrettably, materials and services are not currently available.
The "GENIUS CHILDREN" Project is a social startup that began its preparations on 7th May 2023.
The research and investigations of Master V. Lafayette Elené over more than 40 years have not been in vain. After many hours of hard work, new innovations and improved educational methodologies have emerged, which will be available to you in time. The materials will be made available to you after resolving administrative, technical, legal, patent, and financial issues that were not initially apparent and are now delaying the start of our meetings.
An adventurous and educational platform "DISCOVERY TRAIN" is being prepared, where a personalised sparring-rally programme for women, utilising a new patent: "Demo-Sparring Method" is being developed.
This is a special, effective creation by Mister V. Lafayette Elené. Through this method, children will also be able to attend sparring-rallies for youth, and by understanding certain natural laws, gain a better understanding of physics and other school subjects.
In the initial stage of the "GENIUS CHILDREN" startup, approximately £100,000 and 6 months are needed to complete, register, and produce necessary documents, brochures, and video materials.
If you wish to learn more quickly and philanthropically support the "Children-Genius" project, as well as expedite its implementation, you can go to another page by clicking the button below and learn how to do this.
Wishing you great success!
*The term "sparring-rally" (a novel expression) denotes the positive collaborative efforts of partners, honing their skills to potential perfection in a high-speed mode within minimal time.