«GENIUS CHILDREN» Project Creator

Family – it consists of distinctive personal relationships with each member of the relatives’ group. In this area, there is much confusion and mystery.

“Can a person help themselves understand this?”

“Yes, they can, if they know certain principles of nature,” at least, that's what Lafayette believes.

From a young age, he pondered family issues and the relationship between children and parents. Lafayette sought answers. Initially, he delved into educational and philosophical literature and later tried to apply his knowledge in practice.

Working with children in schools and boarding schools, Mister Lafayette found that existing knowledge yielded different results than the desired results. Disappointed in education, he turned his focus towards women, believing that a child's mother has the most significant influence on their upbringing.

Master Lafayette often encountered hostility between children and adults and vice versa. He tried to understand what understanding and love are, and made efforts to assist women in the roles of a lady, mother, and wife.

His simultaneous practical work with women and children helped him uncover some energetic factors affecting the human body, influencing relationships, and leading to several discoveries.

"Natural Elixirs of Youth" – that's what he named some of his discoveries, described in the materials: "Course for Women – NATUREGRACE", where more than 30 practical exercises are given.

The following discoveries are detailed in "The Book of Life", "How to Help a Creative Child Become a Genius", and "Advice for Newlywed". In his *sparring-rallies, Master Lafayette utilises techniques and mechanical demonstrations he created based on the laws of classical mechanics by Isaac Newton.

The books and developed methods are essential tips to a person about who they are and their energy abilities.

Master Lafayette also deduced THE LAW OF RELATIONS, unchangingly active within the Physical Universe: "BOUNDLESS (uncontrolled) LOVE, FRIENDSHIP, AND TRUST WILL PROVOKE AND CONSEQUENTLY GIVE RISE - TO DISRUPTIONS, ANGER, HOSTILITY, HATRED."

Encountering the challenge of adult learners struggling to grasp complex material, Master Lafayette devised and patented a distinctive and efficient training approach – the "Demo-Sparring Method". With this method, children will also have the opportunity to participate in youth-focused sparring-rallies, and by understanding certain natural laws, gain a deeper comprehension of physics and other subjects.

On 7 May 2023, Lafayette initiated the "Genius Children" project in the UK.

Victor Lafayette Elene (V.Lafayette Elene) - Master (**MEd), practitioner, coach, writer, gardener. Born in May 1963 in Kazakhstan.

Lafayette experiences true happiness when he sees the joyful faces of children and women and knows their affairs are improving.

*Sparring rally (a new term) - an advanced form of training delivery, employing a special method of execution, where skills are honed to the highest possible perfection in a rapid mode, in the shortest possible time.
** MEd - the Master of Education